Driver Sessions

Starting and stopping a session is for opening and closing a browser.

Creating Sessions

Creating a new session corresponds with the W3C command for New session

The session is created automatically by initializing a new Driver class object.

Each language allows a session to be created with arguments from one of these classes (or equivalent):

  • Options to describe the kind of session you want; default values are used for local, but this is required for remote
  • Some form of Http Client Configuration (the implementation varies between languages)
  • Listeners

Local Driver

The primary unique argument for starting a local driver includes information about starting the required driver service on the local machine.

  • Service object applies only to local drivers and provides information about the browser driver
    WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(chromeOptions);
    driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=options)
            driver = new ChromeDriver(options);
      driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :chrome, options: options
    let driver = new Builder()

Remote Driver

The primary unique argument for starting a remote driver includes information about where to execute the code. Read the details in the Remote Driver Section

Quitting Sessions

Quitting a session corresponds to W3C command for Deleting a Session.

Important note: the quit method is different from the close method, and it is recommended to always use quit to end the session

Opções do navegador

Esses recursos são compartilhados por todos os navegadores.

HTTP Client Configuration

Driver Service Class

Remote WebDriver

Última modificação November 27, 2024: [py] fix line number (#2081)[deploy site] (588ba47671)